Event Registration

June Summer Camp - Elements of Art


Awakening Minds Art
1640 Tiffin Ave
Findlay, OH 45840
United States of America


-The basics aren’t boring when it comes to art! Kids in this camp learn about using line, shape, form, space, value, color and texture to create beautiful, well-thought out pictures.

-Tuesdays in June 10-11AM (4 classes)
*Please note: If your child needs (or may need) a one-to-one aid, please include this information on the form. We will do our best to accommodate. However, we may ask that a parent/caregiver stay with the child if needed.
Waiver Statement:

Liability Waiver - REPRESENTATIVES agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless AWAKENING MINDS and all of its agents from any claims arising from injury to CLIENT, REPRESENTATIVES, or Agents of AWAKENING MINDS, as well as any claims arising from damage to property belonging to CLIENT, REPRESENTATIVES, or Agents of AWAKENING MINDS during the provision of SERVICES. RELEASE – AWAKENING MINDS agrees to not use the likeness or name of CLIENT unless expressly authorized to do so by the REPRESENTATIVES. Authorization may be provided in this AGREEMENT below: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this agreement on the dates indicated below. By acknowledging below, I agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement and all of its addendums.

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